Alo Chic Meet 3. And my first.

Alo Chic Meet happened at Entrance, a concept store that brings together Comme des Garcons, the well known Japanese fashion label, with Bold, a romanian label that just made it appearance on the market. You can also find Rick Owens, Fujiwara, Lost&Found or on the Romanian side Rozalb de Mura, David Sanduand and Praf by Laura Vargalui (which I loved).
The event was an “excuse” for fashion talk, great ladies to meet and exchange experiences and their own thoughts on the spring trends. Between all the ladies there were also some gentlemen that made our evening even better Ovidiu Buta, Matei Schwartz (Bold), George Neagu, Eduard Daniel and others.
Thanks Dada for the invitation and for a great evening!

This is my sweet darling Miha, from NoFaceFashion, in Musette short boots

Mirela from The Shoe Dictionary

Silvia from Bucharest style

Adriana Ancuta from the Tuxedo Confessions concept store and Dada from AloModa in
Pixie Shoes

The lovely girls from Pixie Shoes

Angelica Dumitrecu

Andreea Ssamareanu from 2Active PR

Ana-Maria Sterian from Cointreau

Theo Pislaru’s shoe from 2Active PR

Dada again, here in H&M mango ballerinas

Comme de Garcons

Giuliano Fujiwara

I love these for a summer outfit

The UGG mania

I’ve been working on this material for a while now. And now that the snow strikes again I think it’s a good time to talk about this time favorites: the UGG boots.

So walking down the streets of Bucharest, looking for some inspiration I saw the UGGs, everywhere UGGs. I was actually wondering how many UGGs do I see every day?
Even if the UGG trend is no longer in fashion, the UGGs are everywhere. And I believe that no matter the trends, the UGG will stay for a long time on the street. That’s why today we’re talking about them.

There was a time when I really hated the “UGG” boot – not the brand itself, but the well known model. It looked to me like everyone was wearing those horrifying things that made them look like little Panda bears. And why would you want that? I had also heard that the name UGG comes from UGLY. And I believed it.

Anyhow, I don’t remember exactly what or who made me buy a pair. And then I knew! The UGG boots are some of the most comfortable things that I ever put my feet into. So soft, so warm, giving me that fuzzy cosy feeling, that I only have when I’m in bed under my blanket. From then on, I became addicted.

And I’m not the only one. The UGG boots have created thousands of addicts around the world. But, like a drug, you know you’re not doing the right thing for your look. Yeah, you will say you can look great in UGGs! But come on, stop fooling yourself! They make your feet look 2 numbers bigger, they definitely don’t advantage you if you’re a bit chubby and they don’t look that great with dresses.

No, don’t send me some photos of you perfectly pairing UGGs with dresses. It’s only because you’ve got used to them that you think you look cute. And no, don’t ask your boyfriend if he thinks you’re sexy in UGGs, he’ll say anything to keep you happy.

I would have also used a photo of my UGGs but I wore them out, ruined them because of all the snow melting of a few weeks ago. So it’s urgent to buy new ones! But I’m in the search of a lower model. Until then my feet are missing the cosy warm fur inside the boots.

New boots

I’ve chosen them because of practical reasons. They are ok looking but my first criteria was the fact that I could walk in them without thinking that I can fell at every step.
They have a platform and since I have them I haven’t slipped at all. That’s a must in winter, isn’t it?

The leather is great and they are very comfortable. You can also notice the zippers on the lateral sides. They really annoy me because they make a noise hitting each other when I walk. Other than that I’m glad I bought them.

Blak Swan in ballerinas

Last night I saw “Black Swan”. For me, it is definitely one of the greatest movies I’ve seen lately. And I’ve seen a lot!

I am afraid that trying to describe it I will ruin the pleasure it reserves for you. Also, I am afraid that you won’t feel the same about it as I do. But even so, I can’t help myself. I must tell you. It was hypnotic. Pure madness. It took me by surprise. My body was unable to move. I had no words after it. I couldn’t get up. My knees where week.

Watching the movie I found myself resembling with the crazy Nina, the perfectionist, the obsessed, the possessed. Maybe that’s why my hands where shaking at the end. Because I realized that he greatest obstacle ( but also an opportunity, let’s not be dramatic ) in our life is our self.

I found these pictures to show you how I see the two swans.
So, here is Odette:

… and here is her evil sister Odile.

If at the beginning of the movie I couldn’t understand why it is called “Black Swan”, now I know. It’s because of the dance of the Black Swan. Vivid, seductive, poisonous, perfect.

Photo source: All rights reserved. Jeremy Nicholl, the pink ballerinas. Kara Allyson, the red ballerinas.

Furla. Spring/Summer collection 2011. The shoes

We need color in our lives. And Furla is giving it to us with these beautiful colored shoes. I know, we are talking, once again, about rubber shoes. But even so, it’s a pleasure for the eye to look at them.

These colors combined are so playful and original. They are a perfect match for how my heart behaves these days…

This is just a preview of the spring/summer 2011 collection. There are other shoes to see in the Bucharest store. They are bringing the collection from this Monday so I will be back with more information.

credit photos: Furla

SEX. The NEW Shopping Report.

The new SHOPPING REPORT is now out! The magazine is so fresh and young, feels like a breath of fresh air between all the glossy magazines out there smelling like naphthalene that old people use to keep the moths away.

This February SHOPPING REPORT talks about SEX. And I… I talk about my favorite shoe designer… no need to guess, you already know: Christian Louboutin. Doing research for this article made me love him even more and if you want to discover his universe you must find Shopping Report, buy it and taste it’s sexy pages. YUM!

Last but not least here are the shoes of a real fashionista. You know you love her! Ioana from Fashenzine posed as the shopaholic of this month’s Report. She was a real cutie letting me take some photos of her Louis Vuitton boots. Thank you, Ioana!

Grammy 2011. The shoes.

Here are some of the celebrities that showed off their legs and their shoes at the Grammy Awards 2011.

Jennifer Lopez stayed loyal to Christian Louboutin. So do I. I find her shoes the one pair that stands out from the crowd. And talking about standing out of the crowd, we’ll be soon talking about Lady Gaga. Stay close!

Photo source:

Grey. My new IT color

The simple and the fabulous!

These grey suede pumps are so simple, yet so chic. I came to love this “non almost color” more than a year now. I hated it before. It seemed to me like grey is the color for people who want to go unnoticed… and that was bad. Now I find grey absolutely fabulous and even if you go unnoticed (which I don’t feel is such a bad thing now) you still have simplicity on your side. And simplicity is one step closer to perfection!