Styling for Femeia magazine, June Issue

This is my latest photo shoot for Femeia. magazine. Olga was the perfect choice for the Russian Doll theme and even though this is a subject mostly regarded as winter appropriate, I think we still did a pretty good job. Let me know what you think!

| Photos by SEBASTIAN ENACHE | Styling & Concept by CRISTINA PANA | Makeup Artist IOANA CRISTEA | Hair Stylist IULIAN URLAN | Model OLGA VINTANIUC/ Avenue Models |

Sper ca va place ultimul pictorial pentru revista Femeia. Olga a fost alegerea perfecta pentru a intruchipa Papusa Ruseasca si desi aceasta este o tema considerata mai degraba potrivita in anotimpul rece, cred ca ne-am descurcat destul de bine. Voi ce parere aveti?

Ne vedem pe Instagram @CristinaFeather!

New arrivals in my closet

Today the courier brought a big fun box. It’s actually the start of a new campaign is doing with bloggers that I’m going to tell you more about when the time is right. Until then, here’s a little preview of my favorite pieces from the online mall, that I have now in my home. Yay! 

First, I picked this Moja dress because I loved the straight cut and the mix of pink and red; a combination that I had in mind from a long time, but just didn’t find the right item.

Second, I couldn’t believe my eyes on the price of these super sexy cut-out booties that I can’t wait to get out of the house. Yummy!
Let me know what you think about my choices and what would you have picked for yourself?
Promise to come back soon with more info on this project!
See you on Instagram @CristinaFeather!
And by the way, what do you think about my new header on the blog? Any suggestions or opinions?
Astazi, curierul a sosit cu o cutie foarte mare plina de surprize. a demarat o noua campanie cu bloggeri la care ma bucur sa iau parte, dar despre care nu pot sa va povestesc mai multe deocamdata. Pana una alta insa, m-am gandit sa va arat produsele mele preferate de pe site, pe care le-am si ales pentru mine.
Prima, o rochie Moja cu un croi drept, extrem de versatil, in rosu si roz – o combinatie pe care o doream de mult in sifonierul meu – dar nu gasisem inca piesa potrivita.
A doua achizitie, o pereche de botine decupate cu un aer foarte agresiv, super sexy.
Abia astept sa va povestesc mai multe. Pana atunci, dati o tura prin mall-ul online si spuneti-mi voi ce ati fi ales? Ce va place?
Ne vedem pe Instagram @CristinaFeather!

Pure simplicity

What is freedom to you? For me is the simplicity of things. It’s in the liberty of moving, of feeling carefree, of feeling naked (without actually being naked cause that would make me feel so vulnerable). Freedom is a ride with a car through green fields and heels, with your hair in the wind and beautiful music singing. Is a walk through yellow flowers, eating cherries under a blossomed linden tree, feeling a silky touch on your sensitive skin and feeling so spoiled by the nature.

Photos by Liviu Stroe
Edited by Andreea Veder

I took this dress into the yellow fields because I wanted to give you the feeling that it leaves on my skin. So soft and delicate, makes me feel I’m wearing myself. It’s just me (& an orange beautiful dress from BCBG Max Azria). And if you are preparing for a wedding or a special event you must attend this summer, this type of dress is exactly what you will want to wear. Or at least what I will want to wear. No bold accessories needed, no extra tricks, everything will be perfect as simple as that. And for me, that perfectly comprises the Bon Chic, Bon Genre – Good Style, Good Attitude motto – that the brand BCBG Max Azria has. All this being said, I’m leaving you with something to think on, next time you are out there shopping:

The only real elegance is in the mind; if you’ve got that, the rest really comes from it.” Diana Vreeland

 BCBG MAX AZRIA store is located in Baneasa Shopping City, 1st floor
See you on Instagram @CristinaFeather!
Ce inseamna libertatea pentru voi? Pentru mine este in simplitatea lucrurilor. Libertatea de miscare, de exprimare, de a te simti fara griji, de a te simti dezbracat (fara a fi de fapt dezbracat, pentru ca asta ne-ar face sa ne simtim vulnerabili). Libertatea este un drum cu masina printre campuri si dealuri verzi, cu vantul in par si muzica buna data la maxim. Este o plimbare printre flori galbene, sa mananc cirese stand tolanita sub un tei inflorit, sa simt atingerea super delicata a unui material diafan pe pielea mea sensibila.

Am dus aceasta rochie in lanul galben de rapita pentru ca am vrut sa va transmit acelasi sentiment pe care ea il lasa pe pielea mea. Simt ca si cum nu as purta nimic. Ca si cum sunt doar eu. Dar de fapt sunt eu si o rochie minunata BCBG Max Azria. Si atunci m-am gandit ce loc mai bun pentru poze – decat acela in care te simti super liber? De fapt, aceasta postare e ca o revelatie. “Cat de bine ne putem simti intr-o rochie si nimic mai mult.” Fara sa ne incarcam cu accesorii de prisos, fara sa adaugam alte si alte piese. 
Daca va pregatiti pentru o nunta sau pentru un eveniment important in aceasta vara, acesta este exact tipul de rochie pe care veti vrea sa-l purtati. Sau cel putin, pe care eu il prefer si eu il voi purta. Uneori, naturaletea si simplitatea inving orice. Si tocmai despre asta cred ca este si motto-ul brandului BCBG – Bon Chic, Bon Genre – Un stil bun cu atitudinea potrivita. Si cum atitudinea potrivita vine din interior, mi-a venit in minte un citat al Dianei Vreeland

Adevarata eleganta este cea pe care o porti in tine, in mintea ta; daca ai asta, restul vine de la sine”.
Pastrati asta in minte data viitoare cand sunteti la cumparaturi! 
Magazinul BCBG MAX AZRIA se gaseste la etajul 1, in Baneasa Shopping City
Ne vedem pe Instagram @CristinaFeather!

The Romanian Blouse

100 years old traditional Romanian blouse| traditional belt |
|vintage skirt | Zara shoes | Giuka bag on |

This is a photo with me at The One magazine turning 9 years – with my beloved friends Cristina Negru, designer at La Mode Toujours, and Ella Negru, Account Manager at Echipa de PR. We have been mistaken for sisters for many many times, mostly when my hair was long like theirs.
The theme for the party was the Romanian blouse – IA. Here we are all wearing authentic Romanian blouses that run in the family… a tradition very respected in our country. 
Our blouses have probably more that 100 years each and are hand made by our grandmothers
Lately – what we call tradition – has transformed into a trend. Yes, the Romanian traditional blouse is having a big comeback. 
The beauty of it is that it brings that hippie relaxed air to any outfit and you can mix it with anything: jeans, high-waisted skirts, white pants, high-heels, flats… anyway you feel like. 
Find inspiration in these photos of celebrities over the years that have worn it beautifully on Pinterest and buy one for yourself (as spotted here). 
If you are looking for the REAL deal – try or Ie Romaneasca.
When you buy one pay attention to the fabric. Some of them are made from really thick linen and are difficult to wear in the summer. And don’t forget to take good care of it when washing it and last, but not least, to have fun with it in your summer outfits!! 
See you in Instagram @CristinaFeather!

In poza de mai sus, de la evenimentul prin care revista The One a sarbatorit 9 ani – sunt alaturi de prietenele mele dragi, Cristina Negru designer La Mode Toujours si sora ei, Ella Negru, Account Manager la agentia Echipa de PR. Am fost confundate ca am fi surori de nenumarate ori, mai ales cand aveam si eu parul la fel de lung ca si ele. Va las pe voi sa hotarati daca semanam chiar atat de mult.

Pretecerea a avut ca tema IA romaneasca. Toate am purtat ii mai vechi de 100 de ani (fiecare), facute de bunicile noastre si transmise din generatie in generatie. Un obicei minunat, nu-i asa?

Ceea ce noi numim traditie s-a transformat in ultimul timp intr-un trend foarte puternic.
Fumusetea iei vine din ideea de hand made, dar si datorita traditiei. Cu aerul ei relaxat, usor hippie, ia poate fi purtata cu aproape orice din garderoba voastra: jeansi, fuste cu talie inalta, pantaloni albi, pantofi cu toc, sandale plate…

Pentru mai multa inspiratie am gasit un board pe Pinterest cu celebritati care au purtat ia in feluri diferite si un articol pe cu cateva recomandari de shopping.

Daca sunteti in cautarea unei camasi traditionale autentice, va recomand sa cautati mai multe pe sau pe Ie Romaneasca.

Fiti foarte atente la material atunci cand alegeti. Unele sunt facute dintr-o panza extrem de groasa si sunt aproape imposibil de purtat vara. iar altele sunt atat de vechi si de fragile incat nu mai pot fi folosite decat ca piesa de decor. Nu uitati sa aveti mare grija de ele, sa nu le bagati la masina de spalat… si mai ales, sa va bucurati de ele in tinutele libere din vara!

Ne vedem pe Instagram @CristinaFeather!

All eyes on: Romanian Designers


And with the help of all fashion lovers it will be more than just a moment, it will be a revelation. Finally, more brands have decided to give our talented Romanian designers a hand in promoting their creations. Here are just a few of the events and places where you can find Romanian Designers this month.

1. Romanian designers Pop-up store inside Eva store on Magheru blv

Last week I attended the opening of a pop-up store at Eva – a store with a huge history here in Bucharest – on Magheru blv, your mother probably knows more stuff about it than I do – where you can find 109., Adelina Ivan, Carla Szabo, Carmen Secareanu, Ciprian Vrabie, Irina Schrotter, Kristina Dragomir, Lady Magpie, Murmur, Patzaikin and Venera Arapu. The pop-up will be opened until the 15th of July, from Monday to Saturday.
I promise you will love it! Taking contact with the products of designers that we usually find only online is very important. Here you can touch the clothes, try them on and buy them on the spot. You can find a new favorite or discover new pieces of the ones you already are devoted to. And if you get lucky, you might meet the designer in person.
This beautiful initiative belongs to and DC Communication and represents the beginning of a  wonderful project – Downtown Bucharest – which has the role to define this part of Bucharest [Piata Romana – Icoanei Garden – Piata Universitatii – Cismigiu Garden] as a sociable, urban, modern, cultural wonderful site.

Saptamana trecuta am participat la inaugurarea pop-up store-ului din cadrul magazinului Eva – un magazin despre care cu siguranta mamele voastre va pot spune mai multe lucruri decat v-as putea spune eu- care gazduieste pentru doua luni, pana pe 15 iulie (de luni pana sambata), designerii romani: 109., Adelina Ivan, Carla Szabo, Carmen Secareanu, Ciprian Vrabie, Irina Schrotter, Kristina Dragomir, Lady Magpie, Murmur, Patzaikin si Venera Arapu. 
Initiativa apartine si DC Communication si este doar inceputul unui proiect de definire a unui nou brand bucurestean – Downtown Bucharest – mai precis crearea unei zone de interes cultural, urbane, extrem de moderna si numai buna de socializare intre Piata Romana, Gradina Icoanei, Piata Universitatii si Gradina Cismigiu. Cum sunt nascuta in Bucuresti si locuiesc exact la Universitate, iubesc aceasta initiativa si o sustin cu mult drag!
Cat despre magazinul Eva, va sugerez sa il cautati in plimbarile voastre relaxate din weekend. In cazul in care nu detineti nicio piesa a unui designer roman pana acum, produsele lor va vor face o surpriza foarte frumoasa. In plus, este o ocazie perfecta sa vedeti hainele pe care altfel le puteti gasi doar online, sa le atingeti, sa le probati si sa le cumparati pe loc.
2. Palatul Stirbei – Romanian Design Week

Peroni Nastro Azzuro – the Italian super-premium beer brand – partners with the first Romanian Design Week – taking place in Bucharest between 17-26th of May.
The Preview edition – Inspired by Peroni will bring together at Palatul Stirbei (the central exposition of the  event) the design work of some of the most well known creative people in Romania.

Peroni Nastro Azzuro – brandul italienesc de bere super-premium – s-a partenerial cu primul eveniment Romanian Design Week, ce are loc la Bucuresti intre 17 si 26 Mai.

Editia Preview – Inspired by Peroni va reuni in cadrul expozitiei centrale de la Palatul Stirbei  lucrarile
unora dintre cei mai importanti designeri si creativi din Romania. Selectia designerilor din aceasta expozitie este facuta cu ajutorul unui consiliu creativ format din: Adrian Soare, Vicepresedinte al Ordinului Arhitectilor din Romania – Arhitectura; Corvin Cristian, Arhitect – Design interior; Mihai Gurei, Concept Creative Manager Intro – Design de obiect; Maurice Munteanu, editor de moda Elle si Domnica Margescu, director de moda Elle – Fashion Design; Serban Alexandrescu, director de creatie Headvertising si membru fondator Art Directors Club Romania – Publicitate; Miloš Jovanović, grafician – Graphic Design; Cosmin Bumbut, fotograf – Fotografie. Designul expozitiei este semnat de arhitectul Attila Kim.

Pentru mai multe informatii despre desfasurarea evenimentului accesati Peroni Diario sau Romanian Design Week.

3. Bellagio Casa – Avanpremiere 12

Avanpremiere is at its 12 edition. This year we will see shows by: Natalia Vasiliev, Rhea Costa, Iris Serban, Ioana Ciolacu, Simona Semen, Fe(Male), Bianca Popp, Anca&Silvia Negulescu, and also some fresh young talents like Alex Tunsu, M12 and Florina Ivascu.
Actually, the show is tonight and I promise to be back with my favorite looks.

La cea de-a 12 editie, Avanpremiere ne rezerva cel mai lung show din istoria evenimentului. In seara aceasta vom vedea prezentarile designerilor Natalia Vasiliev, Rhea Costa, Iris Serban, Ioana Ciolacu, Simona Semen, Fe(Male), Bianca Popp, Anca&Silvia Negulescu, si pentru prima oara a tinerilor Alex Tunsu, M12 si Florina Ivascu. Promit sa revin cu look-urile mele preferate.

*Sunt foarte curioasa sa aflu! Cati dintre voi aveti o piesa semnata de un designer roman in garderoba voastra? Si daca aveti astfel de piese – sunteti multumiti? Ce va place cel mai mult la designerii nostri? 

The shirt-dress

Going out of the house in nothing else but a shirt and underwear feels amazing and brings such a freedom. But even so, Bucharest is full of men with nothing to do but elongate their neck after your legs&co so it’s not so much fun trying to hide your goodies from their greedy eyes. What can a lady do?

Only shirt
H&M sandals & bag
Photos by Liviu Stroe
Edited by Andreea Veder

I will always remember Carrie going out on the streets with so much skin showing out – that is such a mystery for me. How can you do that without being harassed at every step you take? Or is that a thing that only happens here (though I don’t think so)? But please, all my international readers… tell me do you struggle to show off some skin in the city you are living in?

Leaving that aside I can officially say that I have a denim fixation and I’m on the way of styling more denim looks just for the love of it and while doing that I’m looking for more textures and different styles to show to you.

I love this shirt because it’s in two tones. That is a trend that Phillip Lim started with his SS13 collection. But I have bought this shirt before seeing the show, sometime last autumn and I was waiting for the warm weather to wear it as a mini dress. If you are a vintage or a second hand shopper I’m more than sure you are going to find a piece of denim in two tones at your favorite store!
If not, you can do some patch work for yourself and create your own piece!

Now I know these weeks I’ve been more absent, but lately I have some [small] problems like – I’m without my iPhone (which makes me feel so weird and almost like impotent at times) and also without my car (which reminds me of being in high-school and not in a good way). Living my life without these two things makes me move slow, but these are just the first days without them. I will regain my energy soon enough!

See you on Instagram @CristinaFeather (from my tablet, at the moment) !

Movie tip: If you are a movie lover like I am, you should go see The Great Gatsby in 3D. Even though it’s not an action movie, the 3D effects make you feel more a part of the story. I saw it last week on Avant premiere – and I was mesmerized by the costumes, the music, the grandor and the story.


Sa iesi din casa doar intr-o camasa si lenjerie intima iti da o senzatie extrem de libera si de placuta. Insa atunci cand pe strazile Bucurestiului se gasesc o multime de barbati sa-si lungeasca gatul dupa picioarele tale, din libera te simti brusc sub lupa si nu stii cum sa te ascuzi mai repede.

De cate ori nu am vazut-o pe Carrie in SATC iesind din casa purtand mai nimic? Este oare posibil sa faci asta fara sa fii agasata la fiecare pas? Si nu ma refer aici la acele tinute vulgare care cer fluieraturi – ci la o tinuta simpla, pur si simplu mai dezvaluitoare, fara intentii ascunse. Premiza de la care pleaca foarte multi barbati este ca ‘femeia o cere’. Dar asta ce inseamna? Daca sunt 40 de grade Celsius sa ma ascund din cap pana in picioare ca sa nu crezi tu ca vreau altceva?

Cred in libertatea de a purta doar o camasa ziua in amiaza mare – atata timp cat exista decenta. Pentru ca la celalalt capat avem o domnisoara dezgolita – cu jeansi scurti taiati pe fund in V, cu sandale cu toc inalt, cu un top decoltat adanc si un sutien push-up pe dedesubt – la cumparaturi la Carrefour. Am vazut asta cu ochii mei pe cand faceam cumparaturile de Paste si credeti-ma ca abia m-am abtinut sa nu fac o poza – sa pastrez dovada. Cine m-ar crede ca am vazut asa ceva – fara sa am dovezi?

Trecand peste asta, pot spune oficial ca am facut o fixatie pentru denim si ca momentan experimentez cat mai multe croiuri si texturi. Camasa aceasta mi-a placut foarte mult din prima clipa cand am vazut-o si abia asteptam zilele calde ca sa o pot purta ca si rochie. Ce mi-a placut cel mai mult la ea a fost combinatia de nuante de denim. Acest trend l-a pornit Phillip Lim in prezentarea sa primavara/vara 2013, unde gasiti o multitudine de piese create din ceea ce par la prima vedere – petice. Daca sunteti fani vintage sau obisnuiti sa va faceti cumparaturile si prin second-handuri este aproape imposibil sa nu gasiti o piesa sau doua care sa fie facute din petice de denim. In ultima instanta, va puteti face si singure o astfel de camasa.

Ne vedem pe Instagram @CristinaFeather – momentan de pe tableta, pentru ca am ramas fara iPhone (technology is a bitch – dupa ce te obisnuiesti cu ea, nu mai ai sanse sa ai o viata sanatoasa (psihic) fara ea)

Movie tip: Daca iubiti filmele la fel de mult ca mine, trebuie neaparat sa vedeti Marele Gatsby in 3D. Chiar daca nu este un film de actiune (unde efectele speciale au un rol mult mai important), efectul 3D te face sa te simti si mai mult parte din poveste. Costumele, muzica, spactacolul si povestea au contribuit la o experienta cinematografica pe care nu o sa o uit prea curand.

Stripe me a river!

I love a good stripe and you’ve already seen me wearing stripes or just styling some. They are without any doubt one of the most simple ways of staying chic and very modern – even though Coco Chanel used to wear them. Actually Brigitte Bardot wore them, Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe wore them and also Marlon Brando, James Dean and almost any classic movie star that you can think of. So they are far from being a novelty. They are just like denim, something we can’t get enough of. This season they are going strong again (they are never not in, just to note it). Designers have battled on how the get more stripes on their catwalk and also how to make them feel new. The result: the 60s (see Moschino & Louis Vuitton) and the 90s (see Balmain & Topshop Unique) are back. [ha!] But the fact is you can never go wrong with stripes – as long as you use them wisely, they will be your best ally!

*Please notice my bold notice! Because stripes can also make you look like a sad clown or like an inmate. They also can make you look wider and strange and inappropriate. That’s why the best way to wearing them is the simple way. Watch the classic stars for more lessons on How to, but also keep an eye on designer’s fresh twist on one of my favorite fashion trends of the year: STRIPES.

Marc by Marc Jacobs, 228 euro
Christian Louboutin, 545 euro

Red Valentino, 300 euro
Saint Laurent, 2288,3 lei
Dolce&Gabbana, 345 euro

My favorite stripes looks for the season are the ones seen at Marc Jacobs and at Paul&Joe. I am a big fan of jersey and tencel dresses, but also love the feeling of a silk dress on my skin. Even so, I find it rather difficult to wear stripes from head to toe and these two designers definitely showed us how to do it gracefully.

Styling tip: Mix stripes with white or with light denim for a summerish fresh look!

So tell me, how are you going to wear your stripes this summer?

See you on Instagram: @Cristina Feather

*All Catwalk photos from with mentions by Feather in a shoe


Iubesc dungile si m-ati vazut deja purtandu-le, dar si introducandu-le in tinutele din revista. Sunt fara indoaiala una dintre cele mai simple modalitati de a da un aer chic si foarte modern tinutelor noastre. Coco Chanel le purta, Brigitte Bardot le purta, la fel si Audrey Hepburn si Marilyn Monroe, Marlon Brando, James Dean si, de fapt, orice actor clasic la care ai putea sa te gandesti. Deci sunt departe de a fi o noutate. La fel ca si denimul (cel putin pentru mine) dungile au acel je ne sais quoi de care nu te poti satura. Sezonul acesta sunt din nou la putere (a se nota totusi ca nu exista un moment in care ele nu au fost IN). Designerii s-au intrecut in a aduce tinute cat mai indungate pe podium si a le face sa arata mai proaspat. Rezultatul: moda anilor ’60(vezi Moschino & Louis Vuitton) si cea a anilor ’90 (vezi Balmain & Topshop Unique) a revenit. [ha!]
Cu toate astea nu poti da niciodata gres cu dungile – atata timp cat le utilizezi cu intelepciune, vor fi cel mai bun aliat al tau intr-o multitudine de situatii!

*A se observa atentionarea!! Pentru ca dungile pot sa te faca sa arati si ca un clown trist sau ca un detinut. In dungi poti sa arati mai lata, mai lunga si mai dubioasa. Tocmai din cauza asta cel mai bun (a se citi sigur) mod de a purta dungile este cat mai simplu. Urmareste vedetele de calibru de la Hollywood pentru inspiratie dar arunca un ochi si pe tinutele fresh ale designerilor pentru primavara/vara 2013 pentru a invata cum sa porti DUNGILE cu stil.

Outfiturile mele preferate de pe podium sunt: rochia lunga dreapta de la Marc Jacobs si cea diafana de la Paul&Joe. Sunt un mare fan al rochiilor din jerseu si fibre naturale, dar ma innebunesc dupa cum se simte o rochie din matase pe piele. Chiar si asa, mi se pare extrem de dificil sa porti un look in dungi din cap pana in picioare – dar acesti doi designeri ne arata cum poti face asta fara sa arati ca o dubioasa iesita de la racoare.

Styling tip: Combina imprimeul in dungi cu mult alb sau cu denim deschis la culoare, pentru un look proaspat de vara!

Voi cum veti purta dungile vara asta?

Ne vedem pe Instagram @CristinaFeather!!

Styling for Femeia magazine, May Issue

Nothing is more romantic in spring than flowers. And because romanticism hits me in this time of the year (I’m lying, it hits me every time) but also because there is so much floral inspiration around us – with the designers and the mass-market clothes, we thought that this is the best subject for the May fashion editorial. Also, in our old calendar May is called Florar (from flowers). In May the trees are blossoming and the smell of the city is changing from nothing to everything; from dark to light, grass, green, pink and white blossoms, clay, warm rain, wind and smiles, oh, so many smiles.

Nimic nu este mai romantic primavara decat florile. Si pentru ca de fiecare data in aceasta perioada a anului ma loveste romantismul (mint, ma loveste zilnic) dar si pentru ca designerii si brandurile mass-market au pus florile pe haine in cel mai natural mod uneori sau in cel mai neinchipuit mod, alteori, am considerat ca aceasta e cea mai buna tema pentru editorialul de moda al lunii Mai. Plus ca, dupa cum stiti, Mai se mai numeste si Florar in calendarul nostru.
In Mai copacii infloresc, se scutura, iar mirosul orasului se transforma… din nimic in tot; de la intuneric la lumina, iarba, verde, flori mici roz si albe, pamant, ploaie calda, vant si multe, multe zambete.

| Photos by SEBASTIAN ENACHE | Styling & Concept by CRISTINA PANA | Makeup Artist IOANA CRISTEA | Hair Stylist IULIAN URLAN | Model CRISTINA VASILIU/MRA Models |

I know I haven’t been so present this week, but that was only because I’m preparing so many interesting things for you. Among these new projects I’ve also had two interviews that are a novelty for me – with the artisanal world-wide perfumer Andy Tauer and with the business man Frank Koehler, GM at Aroma Company, taking care of perfume brand Humiecki & Graef. I also got to know an amazing woman, Vero Kern that gave me this incredible energy and positiveness. All this was possible thanks to the amazing event that Createur5D’Emotions has created about some of the most extraordinary perfumes in the world, also available in their beautiful boutique in the Old City of Bucharest

So stay tuned for the interviews and the entire story. Until then, see you on Instagram @CristinaFeather !

Stiu ca in ultima vreme am lipsit cam mult de pe blog. Dar asta s-a intamplat doar pentru ca am pregatit atat de multe proiete noi pentru voi. Printre ele se numara doua interviuri ce reprezinta o noutate pentru mine – unul cu parfumierul artisanal Andy Tauer si unul cu GM-ul Aroma Company, Frank Koehler, care are in grija parfumurile Humiecki & Graef. Tot in aceste zile am cunoscut-o si pe uimitoarea parfumiera Vero Kern, care mi-a transmis o energie pozitiva atat de puternica. Toate acestea s-au intamplat datorita unui eveniment minunat organizat de Createur5D’Emotions in jurul acestor oameni extrem de talentati si pasionati de ceea ce fac, creatorii unora dintre cele mai pretioase parfumuri din lume, ce pot fi gasite si in frumosul lor boutique din Centrul Vechi

Asa ca stati aproape pentru intreaga poveste. Pana atunci, ne vedem pe Instagram @CristinaFeather!

Walking down the green fence

It’s that time of the year when we celebrate Easter and The 1st of May – and we spend time with our families and we talk about things to come, dreams and hopes for the future. It’s that time again when you see your grandparents (if you are lucky enough) and they are asking you questions like when are you getting married, when are you moving in your own house, when, when, when. The pressure is big but for the first time it’s not annoying me. I’m looking forward for the future, I’m already imagining my new own home and it looks cosy and peaceful.

In the first photo I look as I am trying to keep a balance on these thin small heels – and even though these heels are super comfy as I worn them at two weddings and danced all night in them – the metaphor is good for my life. I am trying to keep things in balance, but I’m not actually sure how’s that working out for me.

Zara necklace

Me and my sister took these photos a month ago – with an older camera with a poorer quality than the one I usually use – but because of these photos we got to spend a beautiful day together – a thing that doesn’t happen often enough – and I just loved that day. Also, we took the photos in my old neighborhood, in a place where I have deep childhood memories. I’m a very melancholic person – don’t know if I told you that before. So even though this cool look (I find it a bit too cool for me actually – because it’s too trendy and I’m not a big fan of trendy – but I liked the final outcome) is not exactly what you – or I – will wear with our families these Holidays – it’s a look I made up in 5 minutes and used it as a pretext to walk in the park and eat ice cream with my lovely younger sister.
So don’t forget that Holidays are for the family and for your inner self – to take a step back and just enjoy the simple life!  Forget about glam for 5 seconds and just be your-silly child happy dreamyself!

H&M rings and bag / Pandora bracelet / Fossil watch

E din nou acea perioada a anului in care sarbatorim Pastele si 1 Mai – in care petrecem timp cu prietenii si familia si vorbim despre ceea ce urmeaza, despre vise si sperante pentru viitor. Este din nou acea perioada in care ne revedem bunicii (daca avem noroc) si ne intreaba ce avem de gand: cand ne casatorim, cand ne mutam la casa noastra, cand, cand, cand. Presiunea este mereu mare, dar pentru prima oara aceste intrebari nu ma mai deranjeaza. Astept cu nerabdare fiecare zi, si chiar ma vad intr-o noua casa, luminoasa si plina de caldura (la figurat).

In prima poza arat putin ca si cum m-as balansa – si desi tocurile astea mici si subtiri sunt foarte comode – le-am purtat la doua nunti, unde am dansat toata noaptea, – imaginea este o metafora buna pentru viata mea. Incerc sa tin lucrurile in echilibru, desi nu stiu cat de bine imi iese toata treaba.

Pozele acestea le-am facut acum aproape o luna cu sora mea, cu un aparat putin mai vechi – deci imi cer scuze pentru calitatea mai slaba fata de cea cu care v-am obisnuit deja. Dar datorita acestor poze, am avut ocazia sa petrecem o zi frumoasa impreuna, lucru care nu se intampla suficient de des. Am facut pozele in cartierul in care am copilarit, intr-un loc plin de amintiri. Sunt o persoana extrem de melancolica, nu stiu daca v-am mai spus asta despre mine.

Asa ca – in ciuda faptului ca aceasta tinuta nu este deloc ceea ce veti purta de sarbatori alaturi de familie (nici eu nu voi purta asta) – ea este o tinuta cool [trebuie sa recunoasteti – fusta creion perforata, jacheta bomber cu print floral japonez, camasa boyfriend – toate sunt extrem de in tendinte (lucru dupa care nu ma omor deloc, dar de data asta mi-a placut rezultatul final )] si a fost un pretext bun sa-mi petrec ziua cu sora mea mai mica povestind, plimbandu-ne prin parc, mancand inghetata si descoperind locuri noi chiar in cartierul nostru!

Deci nu uitati ca Sarbatorile sunt despre familie si despre noi! Faceti un pas inapoi si bucurati-va putin de lucrurile simple! Uitati pentru 5 secunde de glamour si fiti din nou copilarosi, visatori, naivi, bucurosi si plini de voie buna, adica fiti voi insiva, acum 15 ani sau mai mult!

[ Yes, those are my legs that you can see through the skirt. It’s a sexy detail. The kind of detail that I love. ]
[Da, acelea sunt picioarele mele pe care le vedeti prin fusta perforata. E un detaliu sexy pe care il caut mereu dar il gasesc atat de rar in hainele pe care le cumpar.]

H&M bomber jacket & perforated skirt / Mango shirt / Zara heels
 Photos by Andreea Veder

Happy Holidays!
Sarbatori fericite!

See you on Instagram @CristinaFeather
Ne vedem pe Instagram @CristinaFeather