The Romanian Blouse

100 years old traditional Romanian blouse| traditional belt |
|vintage skirt | Zara shoes | Giuka bag on |

This is a photo with me at The One magazine turning 9 years – with my beloved friends Cristina Negru, designer at La Mode Toujours, and Ella Negru, Account Manager at Echipa de PR. We have been mistaken for sisters for many many times, mostly when my hair was long like theirs.
The theme for the party was the Romanian blouse – IA. Here we are all wearing authentic Romanian blouses that run in the family… a tradition very respected in our country. 
Our blouses have probably more that 100 years each and are hand made by our grandmothers
Lately – what we call tradition – has transformed into a trend. Yes, the Romanian traditional blouse is having a big comeback. 
The beauty of it is that it brings that hippie relaxed air to any outfit and you can mix it with anything: jeans, high-waisted skirts, white pants, high-heels, flats… anyway you feel like. 
Find inspiration in these photos of celebrities over the years that have worn it beautifully on Pinterest and buy one for yourself (as spotted here). 
If you are looking for the REAL deal – try or Ie Romaneasca.
When you buy one pay attention to the fabric. Some of them are made from really thick linen and are difficult to wear in the summer. And don’t forget to take good care of it when washing it and last, but not least, to have fun with it in your summer outfits!! 
See you in Instagram @CristinaFeather!

In poza de mai sus, de la evenimentul prin care revista The One a sarbatorit 9 ani – sunt alaturi de prietenele mele dragi, Cristina Negru designer La Mode Toujours si sora ei, Ella Negru, Account Manager la agentia Echipa de PR. Am fost confundate ca am fi surori de nenumarate ori, mai ales cand aveam si eu parul la fel de lung ca si ele. Va las pe voi sa hotarati daca semanam chiar atat de mult.

Pretecerea a avut ca tema IA romaneasca. Toate am purtat ii mai vechi de 100 de ani (fiecare), facute de bunicile noastre si transmise din generatie in generatie. Un obicei minunat, nu-i asa?

Ceea ce noi numim traditie s-a transformat in ultimul timp intr-un trend foarte puternic.
Fumusetea iei vine din ideea de hand made, dar si datorita traditiei. Cu aerul ei relaxat, usor hippie, ia poate fi purtata cu aproape orice din garderoba voastra: jeansi, fuste cu talie inalta, pantaloni albi, pantofi cu toc, sandale plate…

Pentru mai multa inspiratie am gasit un board pe Pinterest cu celebritati care au purtat ia in feluri diferite si un articol pe cu cateva recomandari de shopping.

Daca sunteti in cautarea unei camasi traditionale autentice, va recomand sa cautati mai multe pe sau pe Ie Romaneasca.

Fiti foarte atente la material atunci cand alegeti. Unele sunt facute dintr-o panza extrem de groasa si sunt aproape imposibil de purtat vara. iar altele sunt atat de vechi si de fragile incat nu mai pot fi folosite decat ca piesa de decor. Nu uitati sa aveti mare grija de ele, sa nu le bagati la masina de spalat… si mai ales, sa va bucurati de ele in tinutele libere din vara!

Ne vedem pe Instagram @CristinaFeather!

Styling for La Mode Toujours Spring/Summer 2013

La Mode Toujours spring/summer lookbook is ready! We worked our asses off and I cached a really bad cold after shooting in the cold wind in the open space of the Baneasa Airport. But no complaints from here, at least I had a jacket on my back while the girls where shooting in these super silky and diaphanous dresses. The clothes are dreamy, exactly what the designer of La Mode Toujours, Cristina Negru, wanted to emphasize. In her super chic and affordable dresses you can dream away into summerish vacation days. Even if you get to travel to exotic destinations or not, you may as well do it dressed in the most breezy and feminine dresses, right? On my must have list I already have the wrap printed skirt and the lace mini dress with a beautiful 60s vibe. Which are your favorite pieces?  

Lookbook-ul primavara-vara 2013 La Mode Toujours este gata! Intreaga echipa a muncit foarte mult la pregatirile acestui shooting iar eu am si racit de la vantul rece ce batea pe aeroportul Baneasa in ziua in care am facut pozele. Dar nu ma plang! Eu macar am avut o jacheta din denim pe spate, in timp ce fetele au fost imbracate doar in matase, bumbac delicat si dantela. Colectia relaxata te duce cu gandul la vacanta si iti permite sa zbori cu gandul departe. Asta a fost de fapt si dorinta Cristinei Negru, designer La Mode Toujours: hainele ei sa te poarte intr-o vacanta exotica insorita. Fie ca-ti permiti sa ajungi acolo sau nu, macar sa fii imbracata corespunzator, nu-i asa? Preferatele mele sunt fusta petrecuta imprimata si rochia mini din dantela, cu un aer liber specific anilor ’60. Voua ce piese va plac cel mai mult?


You keep me warm

Last week I went to the mountains for a project I can’t talk about yet. Because I was at work, and mostly because I was really down with a bad cold, I wasn’t able to work on a more organized photo shoot for the blog so I just asked Liviu to take some photos while we where at the hotel. The hotel was a beautiful, very old palace, near The Sinaia Casino, and close to the Peles Castle.

Koton shirt / La Mode Toujours skirt / Monsoon cardigan

You may not see it in the photos but actually it was raining. And not just a little bit. For a few minutes the sky was lighter and we managed to take some better photos but after that… the darker clouds took over.
At first I was decided to write about all the things you can do with a checked shirt. But we still have time for that. A super cosy sweater instead might not be a subject so much soon because the spring is almost here. (now you see it, now you don’t!). 
So I thought I should better talk about a comfy soft sweater that will keep you warm in the cold April nights to come. I have so many enormous sweaters in my dresser that I can’t count. If I see a color or a model that I like I don’t care about the measure. This one is an L and I think you can see that in the photos. But I love its texture and its asymmetric cut. Also, it’s fluffiness is transferable – by which I mean it leaves its white fluffs everywhere. When you have a sweater like that you need to buy a special casing so its fluffs don’t spread onto all your other clothes. And also be super careful when you wear it with black pieces that can easily be filled of fluffs. It also looks super cool with a black leather jacket over it.
Why do I love this type of sweaters? Because they give the most romantic and comfortable feeling ever. They make me feel I’m home.
Now I have to run to prepare an interview that I can’t wait to share with you!

For more styling and shopping tips join me in my day to day adventures on Instagram @CristinaFeather


Saptamana trecuta am fost plecata la munte unde m-am ocupat de un proiect despre care nu pot povesti nimic inca. Pentru ca am avut treaba multa si am fost si foarte racita nu m-am putut ocupa foarte mult de o sedinta foto pentru blog si am facut doar cateva poze la hotel. Am stat intr-un hotel vechi, un fel de palat vechi cu coridoare extrem de lungi si camere imense, cu sali ca de bal si detalii foarte elegante – situat in apropierea Cazinoului din Sinaia si destul de aproape de Castelul Peles. Pozele le-am facut pe ploaie si ne-am bucurat doar de cateva momente de lumina.
Initial am vrut sa vorbesc in aceasta postare despre camasile in carouri si cate lucruri foarte cool poti face cu ele intr-o multitudine de tinute. Ulterior m-am gandit ca mai bine as vorbi despre acest cardigan pufos – despre care oricum probabil nu vom mai vorbi curand – asta in speranta ca primavara se stabileste odata si bine!
Am in sifonier o gramada de astfel de pulovere/cardigane/poncho-uri imense si niciodata nu-mi pasa de masura lor – daca ma atrag in schimb culoarea, materialul sau textura. Cardiganul de pe mine este masura L si desi se poate observa asta in poze, in realitatea arata ca o paturica pufoasa super chic.
Problema la astfel de materiale pufoase este faptul ca isi lasa puful peste tot, inclusiv pe restul tinutei tale sau pe hainele care stau langa el in sifonier. De-asta este absolut obligatoriu sa va luati o husa speciala in care sa tineti puloverul in sifonier si sa purtati cu voi peste tot o rola de curatat.
Eu una sufar mereu din cauza parului – pentru ca am si pisica cu par lung si problema este una permanenta (nu doar in legatura cu acest cardigan).

Cu toate astea, ma innebunesc dupa tipul asta de materiale si imi place sa le combin cu piese mai putin dulci – cum ar fi o jacheta neagra din piele. Si mai ales, le iubesc pentru ca imi dau un sentiment incomparabil de caldura si confort. In interiorul lor ma simt acasa.

Voi aveti astfel de pulovere in sifonier? Cum le ingrijiti?

*Nu uitati ca mai aveti o saptamana in care puteti sa va bucurati de reducerea de 10% in cadrul magazinului online – la comenzile de minim 50 de lei – introducand codul FRUMU la finalizarea comenzii! 

Photos by Liviu Stroe

Ne vedem pe Instagram @CristinaFeather !

New Year’s Eve dressing

What are you wearing on the New Year’s party? If you are heading to a classy stylish party these are the dresses that should be on your final list. I’m not talking only about the exact dresses, but mostly about the trends and the looks you will want to go for!

Embellished and sequined at La Mode Toujours, 800 lei

The gown with an elegant trail, signed by Anca & Silva Negulescu, at, 1.736 lei
Delicate lace at Rhea Costa from, 1.200 lei
Metallic at Nissa, for  799,50 lei
Animal Print at Lashes of London, on Asos, 83,34 euro

Have a great one my dears! Good luck and lots of love!


Cris Feather

La Mode Toujours FW12 Collection. Aristocracy is a state of mind.

Remember a few weeks ago when I told about one of the most beautiful projects that I got to work on? Well, here it is. The look book for La Mode Toujours is ready and out! The entire LMT collection is amazing. You will find classic elements interpreted in an elegant unique way by my friend, Cristina Negru. Fantastic jewel embroideries done by her hands, and super stylish prints for the most sophisticated of you out there. I love how the pictures captured the beautiful surroundings of the Mogosoaia Palace and also the perfect weather we were given by God Almighty. I hope you like the clothes but also the photos. We totally put our heart and passion into this shoot!

All clothes by La Mode Toujours. Vintage fur accessories and coat. H&M and vintage shoes and accessories. The entire team that worked for this shooting: Photo: Catalin OpritescuLightaholicVideo: Fame by Frame Media – Vlad Constanda Photo Assistant: Alex Eftimie Models: Adriana Bexa & Cristiana Petrea – MRA Models Agency Styling: Cristina Feather- Feather in a ShoeMake-Up: Monica Panait ~ Makeup Artist Hair: Alexandra Ciobanu

Aristocracy Is A State Of Mind with La Mode Toujours

If you are following me on Instagram you already know that a few weeks ago I worked with La Mode Toujours and Catalin Opritescu for a beautiful photo-shoot. The photos were taken at the Mogosoaia Palace, near Bucharest. We had a lot of adventures, but the weather was perfect and as you can see in this cool teaser video, the clothes are stunning. Keep close for the reveal of the entire collection!

Photoshooting La Mode Toujours – Photoshooting for La Mode Toujours‘s latest collection “Aristocracy Is A State Of Mind”. Photography: Catalin Opritescu – Lightaholic.comVideo Production: Vlad Constanda – Fame by Frame MediaPhotography Assistant: Alex Eftimie Make-Up Artist: Monica PanaitHair Stylist: Alexandra CiobanuModels: Adriana Bexa & Cristiana Petrea Styling: Cristina Feather

Indian Summer

It’s more than strange for me to write about this photo-shoot that we took more than a month ago, when the weather was warm and dreamy. As I’m writing this, with November just a few days away, the weather outside is more than horrific – it’s super cold and it’s raining cats and dogs for some hours now. So you can understand why I find it so beautiful to share with you these photos more than any day, today! I needed the Indian summer vibe as I need to get under a fluffy blanket (My home is a freezer also). I hope you enjoy them as much as we did doing the shooting.


Photo & Editing: Liviu Subtirica
Make-up: Monica Panait
Model: Antonia Alexandra

Hair Style: Razvan Tofan
Location: Barletto Club
Styling: Yours truly, Feather
Special thanks to La Mode Toujours for the beautiful pink sheer dress, long golden goddess dress and white jacket.

And hold your breath guys, cause a week ago I’ve worked on another wonderful project with some friends. I can’t wait to share it with you. But until everything is revealed, all I can tell you about it is that it’s not for everybody… but only for the aristocrats!

Kisses, Feather

V for Vintage poster

Not so long ago – even though it seems sooo long ago – I’ve teamed up with V for Vintage team for their new fair poster photo shoot. It was really a lot of fun. I was sworn into secrecy so I couldn’t say a word… but now that the poster is revealed I can tell you everything about the shoot. As you can see below we worked with actress Ioana Blaj – everybody knows her from the Vodafone funny serial commercials. She was opened to any suggestion and happy to play her “in Paris” role. Sergiu Zimbilschi, the photographer, who is absolutely great (with a super positive attitude and always knowing how to make things look simple and fun), was melting into the sun to get everything perfect. It was a very hot day – summer all the way, that’s why it seems so far away now that the temperature has dropped with almost 20 degrees since then. Hope you enjoy it and see you at V for Vintage fair, of course, on the 17-18th of November.

Model actress Ioana Blaj
Photography by Sergiu Zimbilschi

Photo assistant Radu Enache

Makeup by Monica Panait 
Clothes by La Mode Toujours
Hair Stylist Maison Esthetique, Denis Condrea
Location Hotel Residence Domenii Plaza

Styling, yours truly, Cristina Feather

A modern fairytale – part one

Photographs by Catalin Opritescu / Lightaholic 
Model Andreea Matei
Makeup artist Ioana Cristea
Hair stylist Iulian Urlan
Styling and concept Cristina Feather, me

The crowded city surrounds her. The traffic. The stressed and edgy people. The cars. The sounds. The air she can’t breath. The crazy skyscrapers. She finds comfort in hiding close to old style buildings, next to an artesian well. But what if… (TO BE CONTINUED)

La Mode Toujours dress 

PNK Casual dress

A modern fairytale

What happens when a Princess from the past… a real Princess, comes into the world of Today? With this question in mind – we prepared a beautiful photo shoot for your eyes.
This here is just a teaser, prepare to see the whole story the next days. Stay close, my friends, to find out the entire team and to see all the beautiful clothes.

These glittery H&M shoes here where the shoes that took this beautiful Princess from a glorious past to a modern and funky present.
