The Shopping Tip. Get the Balenciaga style on your fingers for the price of nothing

Balenciaga SS13 []

H&M set of rings

I haven’t seen these Balenciaga rings in a store to compare the prices, but the ones from H&M cost 39,90 lei – which is 8,80 euros. They are pretty cool. The sad thing is that they are equal sizes so you can’t wear them on different fingers. But everybody who saw them wondered where I have them from, so I thought you should know too. I think it’s important to know what you are paying for when you go into stores but also have fun when shopping!


Nu am vazut aceste inele Balenciaga in magazin sa compar exact preturile, dar pe cele de la H&M am dat 39,90 lei. Imi plac foarte mult si pentru ca toata lumea care le-a vazut m-a intrebat de unde le am, m-am gandit sa vi le arat si voua. Singurul minus este faptul ca au aceeasi masura (toate bucatile din poza sunt dintr-un singur set) si nu le poti purta ca in poza de podium, pe degete diferite. Decat daca reusiti sa mai gasiti mai multe seturi de masuri diferite.

E important sa va si distrati atunci cand mergeti la shopping, dar sa mergeti si cu temele facute – adica sa stiti ce cumparati!


See you on Instagram @CristinaFeather!
Ne vedem pe Instagram @CristinaFeather

I’m not your psychologist, but I will love to hear your problems

I know I’ve told you this before: I love chunky sweaters. And because Stefanel is like the mother & father brand for chunky sweaters shopping, I went there to try on all they had in stock. And I finally fell in love with this one here. Its color, its style, its soft feeling and most of all – it’s chunky feel – perfection! And how to wear it best? Over more knit. Like this pretty skirt here that I also found at Stefanel.

Photos by Andreea Veder
Stefanel sweater, skirt and shoes/ necklace/Fossil watch/New Yorker ring

This look made me feel like a psychologist or something like that so that’s where the title came from. I really have no idea how a psychologist dresses [maybe more formal, I remember Ally McBeal saw a lot of psychologists], but I know if I where one, I would dress like this. I think this look inspires warmth, confidence and calm – which actually I am, but I would also like to find that in a person that I tell all my life to. Putting that aside, my post is not about how a psychologist should dress but about us complaining to anybody that inspire us any of the things I’ve just enumerated.
I once read in a book that when we complain we are actually making an unfair trade with the one listening. He or she gets charged with all our negative feelings and we are liberated. The author said that this was an awful thing to do to our friends or to anybody that we know and so that the trade to be fair – our complaints would be better told to somebody who is paid to listen to us –> someone like a psychologist. The idea made completely sense to me and got so stuck in my head that every time I hear complaints (and mostly from people that are not my best friends) I get a little detached and try not to get filled with all those negative feelings.
These are harsh times we are living in, my friends, and we all have problems. But the most conscious thing to do – mostly when you meet new people or people that you work with – is to avoid, as much as you can, complaining!!
I once heard this quote from Lou Holtz, an American motivational speaker and I’m going to leave you with his inspiring words:

“Never tell your problems to anyone! 20% don’t care and the other 80% are glad you have them.”

This week I’m up to preparing three photo shoots for next week and one for this week. So I really hope that I will manage to find the time to keep you posted on the blog with what’s going on.
For more juicy stuff and on minute shopping just stay posted by following me on Instagram @CristinaFeather

Stiti deja cat de mult imi plac puloverele mari, oversized – sau pulovaroaiele – cum le mai zic eu. Si cum Stefanel este mama si tatal puloverelor mari, am facut o vizita pe la magazinul lor si am probat tot ce aveau pe stoc. Preferatul meu a fost acesta in oranj si argintiu, dintr-un material super delicat, pe care probabil l-as purta fara nimic pe dedesubt intr-o seara romantica in fata unui semineu, intr-o cabana la munte. (cliseu!)
Cum nu eram la o cabana si niciun intr-o stare foarte romantica, l-am purtat alaturi de o fusta tricotata, tot de la Stefanel. Iar cum acest look m-a facut sa ma simt ca un mic psiholog, am mers mai departe cu ideea – de aici si titlul.
Aceasta tinuta imi inspira un om cald, prietenos, de incredere si calm – trasaturi care ma caracterizeaza dealtfel – [dar nu asta e ideea] – si pe care le-as cauta in cel caruia i-as incredinta toate problemele si gandurile mele [ascunse]. Nu stiu exact daca un psiholog se imbraca asa, poate ca pune pe el ceva mai formal, dar eu, daca as fi avut aceasta meserie, asa m-as fi imbracat.
Lasand toate astea la o parte insa, postarea de astazi nu este despre cum ar trebui sa se imbrace un psiholog, ci despre felul in care ne plangem in general tuturor oamenilor pe care ii intalnim si consideram ca au cel putin una dintre calitatile pe care le-am enumerat mai sus. Am citit odata ca atunci cand ne plangem are loc un schimb incorect intre noi si interlocutor. Acesta primeste toate vibratiile negative si se incarca negativ cu problemele noastre – iar noi ne simtim eliberati. [Misiune indeplinita!] Ca “targul” sa fie corect, spunea acest autor, ar trebui sa platim pentru neajunsurile pe care le cauzam – deci sa consultam un psiholog, singurul a carui meserie este sa asculte ‘all our crap’.
Mi s-a parut ceva atat de corect si atat de bine punctat incat de atunci, mereu cand cineva se plange in fata mea [mai ales cineva care nu imi este prieten] ma detasez usor si incerc sa nu las acele ganduri negative sa ma afecteze.
Pana la urma, traim cu totii vremuri grele si pline de stres. Toti avem probleme, iar cel mai bun lucru pe care il putem face pentru noi si pentru ceilalti este sa incercercam, pe cat posibil, sa nu ne plangem!

Si ca sa inchei aceasta pledoarie [care, by the way, este si pentru mine!] va las cu un citat al lui Lou Holtz, un speaker motivational american.

“Nu impartasi problemele tale cu nimeni! 20% dintre cei care te asculta nu le pasa, iar ceilalti 80% se bucura ca le ai!”

Saptamana aceasta ma asteapta munca pentru mai multe pictoriale si pregatirea a trei sedinte foto pentru saptamana viitoare. Asa ca sper sa pot sa revin pe blog cat mai des posibil, pentru a va tine la curent cu tot ce se intampla.
Pentru detalii picante si shopping la minut, va astept cu drag pe Instagram @CristinaFeather!
* Mai aveti timp pana la sfarsitul saptamanii sa profitati de reducerea de 10% in cadrul magazinului online folosind codul FRUMU la orice comanda de peste 50 de lei !

You keep me warm

Last week I went to the mountains for a project I can’t talk about yet. Because I was at work, and mostly because I was really down with a bad cold, I wasn’t able to work on a more organized photo shoot for the blog so I just asked Liviu to take some photos while we where at the hotel. The hotel was a beautiful, very old palace, near The Sinaia Casino, and close to the Peles Castle.

Koton shirt / La Mode Toujours skirt / Monsoon cardigan

You may not see it in the photos but actually it was raining. And not just a little bit. For a few minutes the sky was lighter and we managed to take some better photos but after that… the darker clouds took over.
At first I was decided to write about all the things you can do with a checked shirt. But we still have time for that. A super cosy sweater instead might not be a subject so much soon because the spring is almost here. (now you see it, now you don’t!). 
So I thought I should better talk about a comfy soft sweater that will keep you warm in the cold April nights to come. I have so many enormous sweaters in my dresser that I can’t count. If I see a color or a model that I like I don’t care about the measure. This one is an L and I think you can see that in the photos. But I love its texture and its asymmetric cut. Also, it’s fluffiness is transferable – by which I mean it leaves its white fluffs everywhere. When you have a sweater like that you need to buy a special casing so its fluffs don’t spread onto all your other clothes. And also be super careful when you wear it with black pieces that can easily be filled of fluffs. It also looks super cool with a black leather jacket over it.
Why do I love this type of sweaters? Because they give the most romantic and comfortable feeling ever. They make me feel I’m home.
Now I have to run to prepare an interview that I can’t wait to share with you!

For more styling and shopping tips join me in my day to day adventures on Instagram @CristinaFeather


Saptamana trecuta am fost plecata la munte unde m-am ocupat de un proiect despre care nu pot povesti nimic inca. Pentru ca am avut treaba multa si am fost si foarte racita nu m-am putut ocupa foarte mult de o sedinta foto pentru blog si am facut doar cateva poze la hotel. Am stat intr-un hotel vechi, un fel de palat vechi cu coridoare extrem de lungi si camere imense, cu sali ca de bal si detalii foarte elegante – situat in apropierea Cazinoului din Sinaia si destul de aproape de Castelul Peles. Pozele le-am facut pe ploaie si ne-am bucurat doar de cateva momente de lumina.
Initial am vrut sa vorbesc in aceasta postare despre camasile in carouri si cate lucruri foarte cool poti face cu ele intr-o multitudine de tinute. Ulterior m-am gandit ca mai bine as vorbi despre acest cardigan pufos – despre care oricum probabil nu vom mai vorbi curand – asta in speranta ca primavara se stabileste odata si bine!
Am in sifonier o gramada de astfel de pulovere/cardigane/poncho-uri imense si niciodata nu-mi pasa de masura lor – daca ma atrag in schimb culoarea, materialul sau textura. Cardiganul de pe mine este masura L si desi se poate observa asta in poze, in realitatea arata ca o paturica pufoasa super chic.
Problema la astfel de materiale pufoase este faptul ca isi lasa puful peste tot, inclusiv pe restul tinutei tale sau pe hainele care stau langa el in sifonier. De-asta este absolut obligatoriu sa va luati o husa speciala in care sa tineti puloverul in sifonier si sa purtati cu voi peste tot o rola de curatat.
Eu una sufar mereu din cauza parului – pentru ca am si pisica cu par lung si problema este una permanenta (nu doar in legatura cu acest cardigan).

Cu toate astea, ma innebunesc dupa tipul asta de materiale si imi place sa le combin cu piese mai putin dulci – cum ar fi o jacheta neagra din piele. Si mai ales, le iubesc pentru ca imi dau un sentiment incomparabil de caldura si confort. In interiorul lor ma simt acasa.

Voi aveti astfel de pulovere in sifonier? Cum le ingrijiti?

*Nu uitati ca mai aveti o saptamana in care puteti sa va bucurati de reducerea de 10% in cadrul magazinului online – la comenzile de minim 50 de lei – introducand codul FRUMU la finalizarea comenzii! 

Photos by Liviu Stroe

Ne vedem pe Instagram @CristinaFeather !

Groovy baby!

I was actually not sure about “Groovy baby!” [Austin Powers, Doh!] – mostly when I read the Urban Dictionary deffinition – but then I thought ‘whatever’ and just gave it a try because it really makes me think of the 60s that I love so much in style, music and fashion. That is the 1965 – 1969 period. So here is me, jumping around and posing like I never did – these are the 60s talking… because, you know, jumping in front of the camera was such a big thing at that time. 

Pull&Bear coat

H&M dress and boots
Photos by Liviu Stroe

I love this powerful trend: the 60s with all their colorful outfits, beautiful more is more makeup [plus fake eyelashes], shift dresses, crochet dresses, white and pointed shoes, colorful leggins or hosiery [not on me though, I would never!], beautiful A line coats, and psychedelic prints.

My outfit is 100% 60s – I’ve got the white crochet dress with white pointed toe wedges, a pair of black leggins (I would never wear colored hosiery or leggins – maybe just printed ones – actually I now remember I have a printed pair from Versace for H&M). My 60s cut red coat with flap pockets and a beautiful very 60s characteristic psychedelic printed lining. Little or no accessory at all. My hair & makeup are not very 60s, but that’s just me, keeping things simple. Now tell me, how do you do your own thing with this trend?

Spoiler alert: I promise to be back with more 60s fashion on me or from the stores. I also have some mini skirts stored from some months now, that I can’t wait to get out once the weather will be more friendly. 

Iubesc la nebunie anii ’60 si inspiratia lor atat de puternica pe care o resimtim la tot pasul in acest sezon: tinutele pline de culori, makeup-ul puternic si genele false; rochiile shift, rochiile din croset, pantofii cu varful ascutit, pantofii si accesoriile albe, colantii si dresurile colorate [in poze arata ok, dar in realitate am senzatia ca nu fac nimanui o favoare], paltoane in A si imprimeuri psihedelice.

Tocmai de-asta am facut aceasta postare intr-un outfit 100% in spiritul anilor ’60. Rochia mini din croset – bifat! Botinele albe cu varf ascutit – bifat! Colanti opaci – bifat! Paltonul cu croi tipic ’60 – in A, cu buzunare cu clapa, nasturi mari, captuseala din saten imprimata psihedelic – bifat si el!. Fara accesorii. Parul si makeup-ul sunt ceva mai simple decat in acei ani.

Voi cum introduceti anii ’60 in garderoba voastra?

Spoiler alert: Promit sa revin cu mai multe tinute 60s imediat ce vremea va fi mai prietenoasa. Abia astept sa port niste fuste mini pe care le-am luat deja de ceva timp! In plus, noul meu pictorial in Femeia., pentru luna Aprilie, vorbeste tot despre acesti ani minunati – atat de plini de culoare!
Si acum, ca sa-l citez pe un vechi prieten – “Fetelelor, DANS!”
Now everybody LET’S DO THE GO GO dance!!

Remember to follow me on Instagram @cristinafeather !! for more fashion and styling advices on the go

Mai sus este contul meu de instagram unde ma puteti urmari zilnic la shopping sau in alte aventuri [nu amoroase!]

Don’t forget from time to time to not take things so seriously and just JUMP for joy:

Twiggy and Richard Avedon, who captured her as the definitive ’60s model © 2009 The Richard Avedon Foundation

The Beatles, 1963 from the exhibition Beatles To Bowie The 60s Exposed, at the National Portrait Gallery, London. Photograph Fiona Adams

Veruschka, dress by Kimberly, New York, January 1967 © 2009 The Richard Avedon Foundation

Jean Shrimpton

Jean Shrimpton by Richard Avedon Vogue October 1966

You’ve got the love

I know I’ve been missing from a while and I know that a lot of work or just the bad weather are no excuse. So I will just let this pass and get to the main idea of this post. What is your main source of inspiration? And not just for the way you dress. But the inspiration that can help you make out exactly who you are. For me, one of my powerful sources is music. As long as I can remember I loved music. I got lost into the lyrics and as a child I used to invent my own songs and sang them while I was alone at home. dress/ Pimkie leather jacket / Zara bag

Mango Boots

Photos by Liviu Stroe

My father is to blame for this passion. We used to have this old radio in the kitchen that would be open in the morning playing Queen, Dire Straits, Phil Collins, Bryan Ferry, The Cure and Bruce Springsteen and every weekend we would listen to rock ballads and music from the 40s, 50s, 60s & the 70s.We would play anything and that made me have a deep love for music – whatever the rhythm.
Now, that I’m all grown up I have this weird nostalgia that they don’t make music like they used to. Or maybe it’s just because we move so fast, there are too many songs and mostly bad ones out there and they get old so fast and we lose interest in everything almost immediately. [sad face]
That’s why I picked “You’ve got the love” as a title. Because, after all, you have the power to change and to make things happen. You can get inspiration from the past [The Source feat Candi Staton 1986] and use it to create the best version of you here and now [Florence and The Machine 2009]

Care este principala voastra sursa de inspiratie? Si  nu ma refer doar la inspiratia pentru felul in care va imbracati. Vorbesc despre tot ce va ajuta sa va cunoasteti mai bine, sa va construiti asa cum vreti sa fiti. Pentru mine, o sursa extrem de importanta a fost mereu MUZICA. De cand ma stiu am iubit muzica. Ma pierdeam in versuri si imi inventam singura melodiile mele pe care le cantam atunci cand eram singura acasa.

Tatal meu este cel care mi-a insuflat aceasta pasiune. Cand eram mici (eu si sora mea) aveam un radio in bucatarie care statea deschis mereu. Dimineata incepea cu Queen, Dire Straits, Phil Collins, Bryan Ferry, The Cure si Bruce Springsteen, iar in weekend ascultam balade rock si muzica veche din anii ’40, ’50, ’60 si ’70. Ascultam orice si tocmai asta m-a facut sa iubesc muzica atat de mult, indiferent de ritm si stil.
Acum am aceasta nostalgie cum ca muzica nu mai este deloc ca alta data. Totul se face pe banda rulanta, sunt mult prea multe melodii si nici nu avem timp sa digeram bine un cantec, ca apare altul.
Cu gandul la ideea de inspiratie si la ce a fost si ce va fi – am pus tilul “You’ve got the love”. Pana la urma, puterea de a schimba ceva sta in fiecare dintre noi. Poti sa iti aduni inspiratia din trecut [The Source feat Candi Staton 1986] si sa o folosesti pentru a construi cea mai buna varianta a TA astazi, acum! [Florence and The Machine 2009]


Don’t forget to shine and fly high like a feather in the sky! Here’s my inspirational quote for today:
<[She was] the seismograph of chic . . . [whose] most famous creation turned out to be herself.”  > Newsweek about Diana Vreeland

Styling for Femeia magazine, March Issue

Natalia Vasiliev skirt & blouse/ New Yorker trench / Moa clutch
In the March issue of Femeia. I talked about new trends or old ones arising for this new beautiful season. I picked some of my favorite trends but also the ones that I thought the readers will love mostly:  
1. sheen & ultra-textured florals
2. stripes & black and white
3. double-breasted and masculine
4. denim head-to-toe
5. color block
6. ’90s simplicity with the slip dress

Zara blouse, trench and shoes / Koton skirt / Staccato bag / New Look necklace / New Yorker ring

I love stripes and this trend is my ultimate favorite this season. You will be seeing a lot of stripes around so if you are a stripes lover also, share with me your looks and ideas!

Zara jacket & necklace / Reserved pants / Koton blouse
New Look shirt & jeans / H&M top / Musette shoes / Reserved bag & scarf / necklace & bracelet

I’m a big fan of laid back looks so denim over denim was an instant love. Just be careful to keep it in the borders of good taste and don’t over-think it!

Reserved jacket, skirt & shoes / H&M top / Musette bag / necklace

Color block is an old trend just staying on top of the preferences of urban style wearing women. I personally, I’m leaving this trend behind because it’s just not me anymore. But I can still appreciate a good colorful combination.

Zara dress / Staccato shoes/ Musette bag / Moa necklace / H&M cardigan

I simply adore the slip dress and it reminds me of Carrie my love (you know? Carrie Bradshaw!) at the beginning of the series of SATC. I’m definitely going to buy a few simple dresses like this in the summer.

What is your favorite trend for the spring/summer season starting strong now? 


Makeup Artist MONICA PANAIT | Hair Stylist FLORIN BLINDARU/ Q Studio| 

Big thank you to the location, Bellagio Casa!

Stay close for more fun styling details! Can’t wait to share with you the new Femeia. photo-shoot which we just finished working on last night! Until then keep close by following me on Instagram @cristinafeather!

Don’t forget to let go from time to time and feel free like a feather in the sky!

When in doubt, wear blue

Rochie TinaR

 I know, I know, – they say “When in doubt, wear black!”, or was it red? But I’m now talking about a doubt about what to wear to the office. And the correct answer to that is BLUE. That is because blue symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence and intelligence. I’ve also read that blue is linked to consciousness and intellect. That’s why I consider blue to be a perfect color to wear at the office or in a more formal environment and I picked this pretty blue dress from TinaR online to show you how I would wear it.

Fox coat/Zara bag/C&A hat


Atunci cand esti in dubiu pentru o tinuta formala, rochia albastra este cea mai buna alegere! Asta pentru ca albastrul simbolizeaza incredere, loialitate, intelepciune, incredere in puterile tale si inteligenta – adica atuurile principale pentru o femeie de afaceri de succes. Am facut o pasiune pentru aceasta culoare in ultima vreme, iar modelul potrivit pentru birou l-am gasit in magazinul online TinaR, care de curand s-a transformat intr-un magazin multibrand si in care gasiti o multitudine de rochii elegante, dar si casual. Adauga piese noi la un interval destul de scurt si de cand am ales rochia aceasta pana astazi cand scriu acest post, am mai descoperit un nou model de rochie dupa care ma innebunesc.

Alina Carp necklace

Toate cred ca avem o poveste draga cu o haina de la TinaR si pentru ca incurajez povestile frumoase – va ofer un mic cadou dragut – cu ajutorul TinaR, of coursediscount de 10% din totalul unei comenzi, valabil in luna martie, la comenzi peste 50 lei. Trebuie doar sa introduceti codul FRUMU in casuta de voucher din pagina de cos, inainte de finalizarea comenzii!

Astept cu drag sa-mi scrieti si sa-mi spuneti ce v-ati ales frumos!

Pana atunci, ne vedem pe INSTAGRAM – @CristinaFeather  !!!

Photos by Liviu Stroe

Could this be your DREAM wedding dress?

Last august I went to Baia Mare [ in Maramures, Romania ] to attend a wedding of one of my dearest friends. ( She was the first in the series – because I feel we will soon be invited to others. )
Remember me in this pretty La Mode Toujours dress?
Now, the beautiful Cristina (the bride, not me – yes, we share the same name) has decided to let go to the beautiful dress and give the chance to somebody else to happily wear this amazing Elie Saab dress. She is selling it to the highest bidder. So if you are planning your wedding and just fell in love with this dream dress, contact me at featherinashoe@gmail for more details.  

Cristina wears a size 38 and is 1,73m tall. She bought the dress with a certificate from Pro Novias store in Bucharest from the Elie Saab 2012 Wedding collection.
The fact is… this dress is too beautiful to be worn just once, don’t you think? Don’t hesitate to write to me at


Dragele mele,
In august am participat la nunta unei prietene dragi. Acum, ea s-a hotarat sa isi vanda frumoasa rochie Elie Saab si m-am gandit sa vi-o arat si voua… poate printre voi se afla o viitoare mireasa care inca nu si-a gasit THE DRESS si aceasta ii va indeplini toate dorintele. Rochia este de-a dreptul uimitoare: multiple straturi de voal, flori brodate din zona braului pana la piept, trena, de un alb ca laptele. Masura 38. Cristina are 1,73 inaltime, iar rochia i-a fost foarte lunga. Poate fi modificata pe dimensiuni specifice.
Daca va intereseaza mai multe detalii despre rochie si cum puteti intra in posesia ei, scrieti-mi la

Photos by Roland Studio


And don’t forget to Follow me on Instagram @CristinaFeather ! If you are there already thank you dearly and I hope you enjoyed the red tulips from yesterday – 1st March – the first day of Spring and also Martisor, a Romanian traditional Holiday. Here they are for you, my beautiful followers!